
As we use our facial muscles with time, and with sun exposure and hormonal changes, the collagen in our skin reduces over time and results in skin creases, commonly crow’s feet, frown lines and linear creases across the forehead. In addition, various eyelid and facial spasms can be a debilitating time for patients suffering from these often difficult to treat conditions.

In fact, the use of botulinum toxin was actually first explored by Dr Allan Scott over 35 years ago, who used the neuromodulator to treat eyelid spasm (blepharospasm) in a series of 39 patients by injecting into the eyelid and brow.

Injected local muscle relaxants derived from botulinum toxin have also been used for decades in the cosmetic world. The toxins work by temporarily blocking the action of the muscles responsible for the facial creasing and probably the most common non-surgical procedure performed in the world.

The procedure is relatively easy to perform, mostly pain free and is reversible over time.

Patients should expect a thorough consultation and one of the benefits is that the procedure has no down time.

For all new patients, Dr Trinh will usually perform an assessment, begin your treatments at a low dose and then evaluate your response. The treated wrinkles will soften over the next three to five days, can last for approximately three to four months and can easily be repeated. An additional benefit is that the treatments can be spaced further and further out over time as the muscle relaxes. Side effects are rare but may include doubling of vision, droopy eyelid or differing facial expressions.